Men sharing caring touch
Tantra: Living "in Love"
Feb 10-12, 2017
Join Sequoia and Ziji for an all-gender weekend exploring the essence of Tantra Meditation & Sacred Touch Yoga!

Is it possible to live in love? not just with a special someone, but with life itself in all its many forms? with everyone?
We’ll use a variety of easy to learn practices drawn from several traditions, including easy movement and breathing, conscious Sacred Touch, and guided meditation. Some practices will be solo, and many will be with random partners of all ages and genders.
You will learn and practice a form of hands-on meditation called Sacred Touch:
a practice of simple, non-sexual, nurturing, meditative touch.
a new kind of Yoga…a very natural practice anyone can do with many people in our lives of all ages and genders.
a new form of Mindfulness/Bodyfulness Meditation
Your Guides will be Sequoia & Ziji.
Register now by paying the tuition of $250:

The more our hearts open, the more we discover that the source of love lies within ourselves, not outside. Join us to explore what lies beyond the ideas of romantic love so prevalent in media, to experience and practice embodied spirituality.
Tantra views the body as the temple of the spirit, and sees all forms as facets of the formless. By practicing with a variety of partners, beyond those we might ordinarily choose for intimate contact, we develop the ability to see the underlying One beyond the Many, and to open our hearts to that One in all forms.
Sacred Touch Yoga reconnects body, heart, and soul.
No experience necessary.
You can wear ordinary clothes. What little stretching we do is very easy.
Suitable for people of all ages, genders, sexualities, and fitness levels.
This form of yoga makes each of us feel more relaxed, nurtured and grounded, effortlessly quieting our busy minds and guiding us into the Present Moment.