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Sensual Yoga
Sundays 3-4:30pm:
Series One: Mar 16, 23, 30, Apr 6, 13
Series Two: Apr 20, May 4, 11, 18, 25

333NERGY Studio, Alberta St & Broadway, Vancouver, BC

Using posture, breath, and touch to synchronize body, heart and mind.

This clothing-optional yoga class is intended for self-identified men who wish to explore deeper dimensions of sensuality in their body. The first half of the class will include a blend of solo postures, breath awareness and meditation. The optional second half will expand our practice to include simple touch exercises that invite us to connect from the heart in authentic ways. Join Chris & Ziji & Geo to discover new connections between spirituality and the sensual realm of our energetic body.

Men's partner yoga

What can I expect?

  • Join for Series One or Two or both

  • Each class will navigate a unique journey using different modalities: flexibility, strength, balance, breath, touch, sound, and stillness. The core of each class, however, will be the same: to align and connect the energetic centres (chakras) of the body so that energy can flow unhindered.

  • We are invited to wear as much or as little clothes as we wish, to allow the body its full range of extension and expression.

  • The class is open to beginners as well as experienced yogis.

  • The first half of the class will feature solo yoga led by Chris.

  • The second half, led by Ziji or Geo, will explore different ways of exploring sensual and erotic contact with oneself and a partner.

  • Partner work in the second half will focus on sensual, meditative touch. We will respect each person’s boundaries in the touch we give and receive. We will not be sharing overt sex.

Partner Yoga

5-Class Series Payment Instructions:


To purchase a 5-class series pack, please register below. We will reply to let you know there is room and that you can make your payment. We would prefer an e-transfer to our adminstrator Tyler at 


  • Generosity Rate: If you have more resources to share or come from a position of privilege, your generosity supports our community-centred business and offsets the cost for participants with greater need.

  • Regular Rate: We strive to keep costs low to make this event as accessible as possible to as many students as possible.

  • Accessible Rate: Folks from low-income and marginalized communities are eligible for this reduced rate.


Payments are refundable before Mar 9, less $25 admin fee. Drop in fees are non-refundable.


DROP IN ($30/class) Instructions:


Please select Drop In on the form below to let us know you are coming. You can send an e-transfer or bring cash to class.

Registration for Sensual Yoga

Rates shown are for one 5-class Series, please register twice if you wish to attend both Series.

YOUR TEACHERS  -  Learn more about Ziji & Chris


Testimonial from Oct. 11, 2017 Class:

"I loved the yoga session last night. I liked the gentle flow of the evening, your encouragement, the combination of individual and group work. On my way home I felt my breathing better, my shoulders lower and a sense of community and connection with the other men. Looking forward to more. -Christopher Neep


Testimonial from Feb 18, 2018 Class:

"I have loved each and every class that I have attended and look forward to more. I have been doing Yoga for about 8 years and still always enjoy and learn from each class. Sensual Yoga has taught me to slow down my practice and enjoy myself, I feel like I am starting to remember to breath in motion and to be in touch with my breathing. Such a long time, but I get it finally." -Peter Machan


Testimonial from Apr 4, 2019 Class:

Sensual yoga practice with Ziji has made me reflect deeply on the subject of how I connect with other men. Somehow - and I think the same is true for many gay men - I’m not in touch with my sensuality. I know I’m a loving man and capable of being sensual -  I’ve experienced joy in the anticipation and delicious tingling of touch -  both giving and receiving. And yet, despite knowing the pleasure of it, being vulnerable and surrendering to it, I ‘short circuit’ the feelings. Your wisdom is profound and important and with guidance from both of you, I’ll get there! -Chris

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We are based out of Vancouver, BC, Canada
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